Garden Kicks Off Busy Season in Fall

LevensAs your projects are slowing down and you’re looking for work during the off season, there’s one grounds crew getting ready for six months of work.

The crews started trimming Levens Hall in Cumbria, England, where the world’s largest topiary garden has been maintained since 1694, according to the U.K.’s Mail Online.

GardenThis 10-acre garden will work during the fall and winter months to get the greenery back to crisp, defined shapes.

“We are itching to get going because everything is starting to look a bit tired and fuzzy around the edges,” says Chris Crowder, head gardener, to the Mail Online.

They will restore about 100 bushes, some 300 years old, to their original shapes, using ladders and hydraulic lifts to reach the higher plants.

The garden hasn’t changed much since it was created more than three centuries ago, and it survived the trend of the 1730s of going to more natural landscapes.

An archive picture shows the gardens during the Victorian age.An archive picture shows the gardens during the Victorian age.
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