Why You Should Be Networking

networking-imageLandscapers may be afraid to share their business successes, problems and ideas with others in the industry.

But why?

 I can understand not wanting to talk with the landscaper down the road from you who you directly compete with, but I think talking with other pros in your state or around the country can be great for you and your business.

Not only can you learn how others are finding success, you can also relate to their struggles and know you aren’t the only one dealing with those issues.

Consider joining state groups or national ones like PLANET to learn from other pros. If you aren’t gaining knowledge, you aren’t moving forward with your business.

Another way to network with the top landscapers in the country is by being a part of our Landscaper of the Year program. The TLC editors are sailing out with the group of Landscaper of the Year finalists on a cruise today that’s headed to the Bahamas.

Top 7 Industry Events to Attend

Between having a fun and relaxing time, the landscapers will be able to ask questions and network with the other pros. The roundtable discussion we hold each year on the cruise is always a favorite time, so stay tuned next week for highlights from that.

No matter if you’re talking to others in your community or from across the country, make sure you are networking and learning from others. If nothing else, you can avoid their mistakes.

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover