National Planting Day includes special Ohio observance

Volunteers from Knox County Career Center Landscape Design and Management Program, work on the pollinator garden with supervision from Karen Wise, KOB vice president and business leader for Davey Resource Group, a division of The Davey Tree Expert Company. Photo: Keep Ohio BeautifulVolunteers from Knox County Career Center Landscape Design and
Management Program, work on the pollinator garden with supervision from Karen Wise, KOB vice president and business leader for Davey Resource Group, a division of The Davey Tree Expert Company.
Photo: Keep Ohio Beautiful

The nonprofit Keep Ohio Beautiful celebrated its fourth annual National Planting Day today.

Working from a design created by Davey Tree Expert Company, high school students from the Knox County Career Center Landscape Design and Management Program planted a native pollinator garden at the Ohio Statehouse to provide nectar sources for the recently installed beehive on the Statehouse grounds.

The herbaceous plants were donated by Davey Tree Expert. A grant from Subaru of Ohio funded the purchase of trees and shrubs.

Entomologist Matthew Rawlings from Scotts Miracle-Gro educated elementary kids about pollinators. Photo: Keep Ohio BeautifulEntomologist Matthew Rawlings from Scotts Miracle-Gro educated elementary kids about pollinators.
Photo: Keep Ohio Beautiful

Those who attended the event had the opportunity to be educated about native plants and pollinators by various organizations from throughout the state, including the Ohio State Beekeepers Association.

Once the garden is completed, visitors can take a cell phone tour by dialing (614) 466-4303 and learn about the native plants.

Today’s event also included an educational program for elementary students featuring senior entomologists from Scotts Miracle-Gro. Representative Ryan Smith also read to first- and second-grade students.

National Planting Day was created to celebrate the ecological balance that native plant species provide the environment. The 2015 campaign is participating in the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.

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