General Motors has announced a new 100,000-mile powertrain limited warranty with no deductible and coverage for up to five years for its entire line of 2007 cars and light-duty trucks in the U.S. and Canada. GM is also expanding its roadside assistance and courtesy transportation programs for a covered warranty repair under the new term.
The new warranty applies to all 2007 models, even those vehicles previously sold.
“For the last couple of years, we’ve been trying to tell the public and our customers how much GM trucks and cars have improved,” said Rob Minton, communications director of GM Fleet and Commercial Operations. “This new warranty program is a way to back that up.”
The fully transferable limited powertrain warranty covers more than 900 parts related to the engine, transmission, transfer case (if applicable) and final drive assemblies on all 2007 model Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab and Saturn cars and light-duty trucks.
Minton said that the new warranty is a good option for those who operate commercial and fleet services and want to extend their mileage limits.
“Due to constant vehicle use, it is common for commercial operators to exceed the warranty mileage before the time limit,” Minton says. But with the new program, Minton explains that commercial vehicles are covered for a longer amount of time, which could prove beneficial.
Small businesses, commercial fleets and rental companies that purchase or have purchased 2007 light-duty vehicles are included in the new program. The only exceptions are limousines, livery vehicles and hearses.
Although medium-duty trucks are not included, Minton said that there are a variety of warranty options specific to engine, powertrain and chassis. Outfitters customize these options for specific applications providing medium-duty purchasers with a wide range of coverage, Minton said.
GM’s Bumper-to-Bumper new vehicle limited warranty remains in effect for non-powertrain components for 50,000 miles or four years for Buicks, Cadillacs, Hummers and Saabs, and 36,000 miles or three years for Chevrolets, GMCs, Pontiacs and Saturns.