Irrigation Association named WaterSense partner

In a first step toward earning a WaterSense label for its certification programs, the Irrigation Association has been accepted as the first partner in the Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense program.

“The WaterSense label will help consumers recognize that certification makes a difference,” says Deborah Hamlin, IA executive director. “An IA certification demonstrates knowledge, skills and commitment to doing the job right and creating a reliable, efficient irrigation system.”

A WaterSense label indicates a product or service meets EPA specifications for efficiency and performance. Last month, WaterSense created the criteria for irrigation certifications programs to earn the label. The IA is pursuing WaterSense labels for its Certified Irrigation Designer, Certified Irrigation Contractor, Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor and Certified Golf Course Irrigation Auditor programs.

Once IA certification programs receive WaterSense approval, those who passed exams taken at the 27th International Irrigation Show in San Antonio will be eligible to become WaterSense partners and use the WaterSense label as well as the IA certification label for the accepted programs. EPA specifications are still in development for irrigation products.

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