Scholarships available to students in green industry

Project Evergreen is accepting applications for the 2007 “Because Green Matters” scholarships. Applications must be postmarked no later than June 1.

Two $2,500 scholarships are available for college students who are majoring or minoring in a field related to the green industry. Eligible fields include horticulture, plant sciences, botany, agronomy, plant pathology and water management. Students who attend two- and four-year institutions that offer turf, landscape and golf management concentrations are eligible.

The scholarship application is available online at Winners will be announced by July 17.

Den Gardner, executive director of Project Evergreen, said the scholarship program began in 2006, and the organization was impressed with the quality of applicants. “It was the first year for a program which we hope will play a continuing role in encouraging students to work in the green industry and to contribute to the role it plays in enhancing our environment and our economy,” Gardner says.

The 2006 scholarships were awarded to Amy Hedgwood, who is pursuing a degree in environmental horticulture at Gwinnett Technical College in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and Tao Fan, who is studying landscape management at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

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