BioSafe Systems introduces new pond management program

BioSafe Systems has launched a new pond management program with four new products to complement the existing GreenCleanPRO Granular Algaecide and GreenClean Liquid Algaecide. Designed to eliminate algae to help beautify ponds and lakes, the additional products include GC Tablets, GC Blue Colorant, GC Liquid Bacteria and GC Water Soluble Packets.

GC Tablets use oxidation to break down organic debris. Available in 2.25- and 7.5-pound containers, the tablets do not require measuring and can be used as a preventative method.

GC Blue Colorant creates a “natural blue” appearance for ponds and lakes and is compatible with most aquatic herbicides and fungicides. The colorant, which treats a surface acre of pond water up to 6 feet to 8 feet deep, also helps filter out sunlight, reducing nuisance aquatic growth.

GC Liquid Bacteria, a concentrated microbial, reduces ammonia, nitrates and excess nutrients that affect water quality and clarity. Safe for water with live fish and plants, the liquid bacteria also reduces fish waste, decaying plant material and other organic wastes that accumulate to cause odor and murky water.

Designed to improve water quality and clarity, the GC Water Soluble Packets are dry bacteria packets that metabolize excess nitrogen and phosphorous in ponds and lakes. The packets help reduce bottom sludge and are compatible with most algaecides.

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