Field Report – October 2008

Louisville offers fun for whole family during GIE+EXPO week
This year’s GIE+EXPO will provide the largest showcase of outdoor power equipment distributed through dealers, retailers and distributors for consumer, professional and retail use.

The show will be Oct. 23-25 at the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Kentucky, in conjunction with the Green Industry Conference (GIC) and the Professional Grounds Management Society’s (PGMS) School of Grounds Management. City leaders encourage attendees to bring their families because there is plenty to do to keep everyone entertained.

“With our vibrant arts community, golf courses, minor league baseball team and of course, Churchill Downs, there is no shortage of activities for people of all ages here,” says Chris Poynter, communications coordinator for the Office of the Mayor. “We have world-class restaurants, shopping and museums waiting to host the thousands of guests that will be here for the show.”

–Christina Jesson Schave

Top Places to See
The following is a sampling of what’s waiting for you in Louisville:



  • Louisville Slugger Museum & Bat Factory,
    800 W. Main St., (502) 588-7228,
  • Glassworks, 815 W. Market St., (502) 584-4510,
  • Louisville Bats, 401 E. Main St., Louisville Slugger Field (502) 212-BATS,
  • Kentucky Derby Museum, 704 Central Ave.,
    (502) 637-1111,
  • Hidden Hill Nursery & Sculpture Garden,
    1011 Utica-Charlestown Road, Jeffersonville, Indiana,
    (812) 282-0524,
  • Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. 6th St.,
    (502) 584-9254,
  • Frazier International History Museum, 829 W. Main St., (502) 412-2280,
  • Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, 715 W. Main St., (502) 589-0102,

EPA to issue new emissions requirements for non-road engines
The EPA is set to issue Phase 3 emission standards for non-road spark ignition engines to further reduce emissions. The EPA began Phase 1 of its program in 1997 and Phase 2 in 2002. Phase 3 will begin in 2009, with total implementation completed by 2015.

“It’s an ongoing process,” says Kris Kiser, vice president, public affairs for the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute. “The emissions requirements are getting more challenging and ratcheting up, but they are fair and achievable.”

Phase 3 regulations include these provisions:

  • An additional 35-percent reduction in exhaust emissions and a 45-
    percent reduction in total evaporative emissions beginning in 2009.
  • Stronger EPA enforcement authority to prevent importation and retail of non-compliant equipment, with safeguards to assure equal compliance for U.S. and offshore manufacturers.
  • Ability to certify engines on E10 fuel, ensuring products can operate more efficiently using fuels currently in the marketplace.

Kiser says, with the efficiencies in the engine, landscapers will burn less fuel equaling fewer emissions and a lower fuel cost and use. “Landscapers won’t be in noncompliance by using existing equipment, but new equipment sold in the period will be changing,” says Kiser.

Upon completion of Phase 3, the EPA and OPEI will have reduced emissions 95 percent.
–Jennifer Mitchell

Project EverGreen calls for ArtWork participants

Continuing its annual ArtWork exhibition, Project EverGreen is calling for companies to participate in the 2008 display titled “Benches” to be presented in the main hall of GIE+EXPO. Participating companies make a $1,000 donation to the nonprofit organization and receive a bench to paint, sculpt or adorn in whatever way best reflects their company and how it enhances green spaces. Call (877) 758-4835.

PGMS 2008 school to focus on sustainability
The Professional Grounds Management Society will meet the need for sustainability courses at the 2008 School of Grounds Management October 22-25 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville. Topics include sustainable maintenance of perennials and shrubs, using LEED guidelines to manage landscapes and green roofs, preserve trees, and provide information from the Sustainable Sites Initiative.

Bobcat manufactures 750,000th skid steer
Bobcat has manufactured its 750,000th skid steer. The event comes 50 years after the initial machine, known then as the Melroe self-propelled loader, was created. The milestone skid steer is a model S205 and was manufactured at the Bobcat facility in Gwinner, North Dakota.

Yanmar launches online football contest
Football fans have a new way to get in on the game this fall by entering Yanmar Construction Equipment’s College Football Experts Club. Participants create a login and pick the winners of each week’s college football matchups. The person with the most points at the end of the season will win a $1,000 gift card and the ultimate fan package. Visit

Aquascape launches redesigned Web site
Aquascape redesigned its Web site,, to provide a broader range of information for consumers and wholesalers. An interactive gallery shows various types of water features available. Technical support and educational resources include downloadable product manuals, troubleshooting solutions, business case studies and how-to articles.

ATTN unveils training Web site
The Advanced Technical Training Network (ATTN) launched the first comprehensive outdoor power equipment training portal targeting professionals. Members are provided an online learning approach to preventive maintenance and diagnostics for dealerships, rentals, tree care organizations and landscape maintenance. Lists, diagnostic flowcharts and short how-to videos are available at

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The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover