In an effort to create new pollinator habitats, dozens of conservation and gardening organizations from around the country have joined forces to register a million public and private gardens within the next two years as landscapes that support pollinators – honey bees, native bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, among others.
The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, a strategic effort to promote and protect the needs of pollinators in North America, was launched by the National Pollinator Garden Network, which represents nearly one million active gardeners and 15,000 schoolyard gardening groups, all of which recognize the complex threats affecting pollinator populations today. In issuing the Million Pollinator Challenge this week, the group calls upon individuals, community groups, government agencies and the garden industry to help increase habitats through sustainable gardening practices and conservation efforts.
Anyone can contribute to the challenge by planting pollinator-friendly landscapes of any size, from window boxes and garden plots to farm borders, golf courses, school gardens, corporate and university campuses. “If we all work together – individuals, communities, farmers, land managers, and local, state and federal agencies – we can ensure that every American child has a chance to enjoy the beauty of creatures like bees, monarch butterflies and hummingbirds,” said Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation.
New pollinator-supporting landscapes (or gardens that pollinator-supporting plants have been added to) can be registered for free on the Share Map site supported by the Pollinator Partnership.