Many states have outlawed texting while driving. But California has taken it a step further and made touching your map app while driving as unlawful as texting.
Have you ever turned on your hazard lights in heavy rain? If you’re driving with your hazards on in Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana or Massachusetts, you could get a ticket.
We would have this law in my home state: It’s illegal to wear a blindfold while driving in Alabama. Maybe that should be a law everywhere.
Like running over pedestrians? You should visit Sarasota, Florida, because it’s only a $78 fine.
Whoever said police officers aren’t softies hasn’t been to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. They are required to honk their horn or flash their lights and wait three minutes before breaking up any romantic going-ons.
Too young to get a license? Then you’re too young to ride a skateboard in Florida.
To see more of these weird laws, see my original blog on Better Roads’ site.