There are some situations in which people opt to have artificial grass over natural grass, whether it be due to drought, lack of space or simply preference. But what about artificial hedges?
British company Hedged In offers an interesting twist to their faux hedges. Instead of settling for bland boxwoods in typical squares or rectangles, customers can get creative and customize with letters and furniture.
“I’m a very hands-on lady,” said Jenny Mellish, managing director for Hedged In. “(I’ll) always try new designs and creations.”
Hedged In works with a variety of material. Hedges can be made of clover, various types of ivy leaves and, if you like, they can appear to be blossoming with pink or white flowers. Then again, the basic boxwood option is always there.
The company started this past October, after Mellish noticed that while there was lots of competition among distributors of fake turf, there was a gap in the market where hedges were concerned.
“I worked at an artificial turf supplier for three years,” she said.
A UV stabilizer is added during the manufacturing process to slow color fading in the synthetic hedges. If used indoors, they’re guaranteed not to fade for five years; if outdoors, the warranty covers three years.