No. 8 Story from 2013

turf-rust-bigAvoid 3 Summer Lawn Diseases

All lawn diseases have their peak seasons, and some in particular are more prone to show during the summer months. Here are three to look for as the weather warms up.

1. Lawn Rust: Lawn rust typically occurs during the summer and early fall months and is caused by a lack of nitrogen in the soil.

2. Powdery Mildew: Powdery mildew occurs in shady spots on the landscaping. The issue is more predominant in northern states in the United States and occurs from spring until early fall. While it can be a huge nuisance, the good news is that it is also fairly easy to recognize and to treat once discovered.

3. Dollar Spot: Dollar spot is caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, a fungal pathogen. It does not affect the roots or crown of the grass in your lawn, but it can cause unsightly brown spots on the leaf tissues of the grass, negatively affecting turf vigor and appearance. Dollar spot typically shows up in late spring and early summer.

Read the full article here.

<==No. 9 No. 7 ==>

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