REMU Screening Buckets have some advantages over other screens.
The most important property of the REMU screening buckets is effectiveness with difficult and wet materials. Thanks to its unique structure of rotating discs/blades and cleaning scrapers REMU screens are also suited well with materials with high content of clay.
The REMU screen genuinely separates fine and coarse material and it does not crush bigger particles to the separated material as sharp fires.
When crushing is needed REMU offers also crushing/shredding bucket for the bricks, wood, asphalt glass etc.
- Finest grain size 15 mm ( 5/8″ )
- Double axis expand life time of bearing
- Lowest maintenance cost
The REMU screening buckets are available from the mini diggers and small skid steers to big excavators and to wheel loaders. Typical the volume of the REMU screening bucket varies between 0,11 and 6,4 m³ (0,15 and 8,4 yd³) and the weight between 150 and 5260 kg (300 and 11600 pounds). Standard REMU screening buckets could reach the capacity of 220 m³/h ( 300 yd³/h ). To the special order even bigger screening buckets are available.