Cleveland As fabricators continue to improve the productivity and quality of their welding operations, Lincoln Electric has added new features to its Production Monitoring 2 software platform that enhance the ability to remotely monitor and review critical weld data in real time from anywhere in the world.
New features include:
– Browser-based monitoring Login from anywhere to review data.
– Intuitive graph views and improved data drilldown manipulation Improved interface allows faster access to critical information.
– Immediate uploads All data from Power Wave® power sources is now instantly uploaded.
– Redundant storage and network downtime tolerance Data is now stored on the machine™s Ethernet board until it is uploaded to the server database, reducing the risk of missing information.
Lincoln™s Production Monitoring 2 software works with any networked Lincoln Electric Power Wave® power source. It allows engineers and executives to stay connected to the shop floor to ensure welding systems are working properly and problems are quickly identified and addressed.
The software is available at no cost to all Power Wave owners. It uses a Web browser-based user interface and data management system through Microsoft® SQL server express and support for Lincoln Electric™s True Energy data. Depending on the Power Wave® model, additional hardware may be required.
In addition to monitoring weld data, the software allows for storing and sharing of files, monitoring production tasks, setting weld limits and tolerances, and tracking welding consumable inventory. Welding machine faults are logged and can be emailed, while diagnostic troubleshooting can be performed remotely.
Lincoln™s upgraded Production Monitoring 2 software still performs all of the program™s original functions, including:
– Easily set welding limits based on sampling with the Installation/Set-Up Wizard
– View the status of multiple Power Wave welding power sources at the push of a button
– Collect and store both short- and long-term weld history
– Execute actions or develop alerts when out-of-limit
– Pinpoint work-shift problems and evaluate production cycle and output using work-shift timers and production reports
– Manage and set tolerances for each of 32 unique weld profiles
– Email data to multiple users to provide information on specific events and potential or real-time problems
– Automatic wire usage tracking and notification to minimize downtime for consumable replacement
– Generate power source performance reports
For an interactive test drive of the software, visit Customers can obtain a Production Monitoring 2 manual and CD-ROM package by calling (888) 355-3213 or by visiting the Literature Request section at and requesting the S2.50 packet. Note that some systems may require an Ethernet board. For a spec bulletin only on Production Monitoring 2 capabilities, request bulletin S2.30.
The Lincoln Electric Company, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, robotic arc welding systems, fume extraction equipment and plasma and oxyfuel cutting equipment. The company holds a leading global position in the brazing and soldering alloys market.
Attn: Magazine Staff Please send prospect lead inquiries only to Lincoln Electric c/o Ultimate Lead Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 739, Berea, OH 44017.