Extimate – Excel® Based Cost Estimating

Extimate ties an item database to your existing Excel® spreadsheets. It is a great tool that transforms your Excel® spreadsheet into an easy to use database. The power and flexibility of a spreadsheet cannot be challenged by any other product available. That is why estimators use spreadsheets more than any other program on the market. With Extimate you have the ability to maintain and instantly add items from a database into your existing spreadsheets. The possiblities are endless.

Extimate Pop-Up

Your Extimate database appears as a pop-up windows that floats above your existing spreadsheet. It is available anytime you are in Excel®. Select the category and line item and then with a click of the mouse, the item description and price are seamlessly inserted into your existing spreadsheet.

Column Mapping

If you have already spent countless hours creating spreadsheets in Excel®, not to worry, Extimate will work with any spreadsheet. With Column Mapping, you control where the data from Extimate is transferred into your existing spreadsheet.

User Defined Excel® Databases

With Extimate, anything is possible. You can add, edit, or remove items in your database at will. Change item characteristics, prices, and definitions at any time. Create unique fields that are specific to your industry. With Extimate you can create professional databases easily, even if you are not an advanced Excel® user.

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover