M-Series loaders and excavators have new numbering system

Bobcat Company is instituting a new numbering system for loaders and excavators, and as Bobcat releases the full M-Series line, new machines will adopt the new numbering system.


The new loader model numbers retain the letter designation, with the letter indicating the type of loader. The S is for skid-steer loader and the T is for compact track loader. After the letter, the first number designates the loader™s frame size. The remaining numbers are an indicator of performance based on the loader™s weight, dimensions, horsepower and rated operating capacity. For example, a S630 is a skid-steer loader and a T630 is a compact track loader. An S630 and S650 have similar frames sizes and horsepower, but the S650 has a higher weight and rated operating capacity because the S650 has a vertical lift arm path arrangement. The S630 is a radius lift arm path loader.


For excavators, the model number begins with E, which stands for excavator. The numbers now correspond to the excavator™s weight in metric tons in a whole number and a tenth. For example, the 32 in E32 is for 3.2 metric tons.

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