Cherrington™s Ultimate One Step, Seedbed Preparation

Cherrington introduces the optional powered roller for its seedbed preparation Rock & Root Screeners.  The counter rotating roller tills, grades and prepares the soil for immediate screening to remove rocks, stones and roots.  Load and screen the topsoil of all objects larger than the selected screen hole size.   No need for second passes – the entire surface is screened-clean for a perfect seedbed the first time. 

Remove existing turf for re-seeding or sodding.  The old sod can be loaded for removal while at the same time preparing a seedbed for new sod.  Great for renovations or remodeling turf areas and new seedbed preparation.

Cherrington rock picker models come in widths of 4″, 5″, & 6 1/2″ and soil screening of 1 to 6 deep.  Screening can be done to any specification with 1, 3/4″ & 1/2″ the most common minimum screen hole sizes. 

Contact us for more information on the Cherrington Rock Picker, available in six Cherrington Screener models – Self-propelled, tractor or ATV pulled; capable of handling any size project or budget.

Ball fields, Horse arenas & Beaches, all need a Cherrington Screener. [email protected] / 701-952-0226 / 1-800-966-1588

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover