Belgard Hardscapes has launched its Ultimate Contractor Contest running through May 15.
Belgard challenges contractors across the country to share a new sales or marketing approach that will grow their business in 2013. Submissions will be accepted through May 15 at The contractor with the most innovative idea will be named the Ultimate Contractor and receive a $15,000 business improvement package including:
• 1,000 sq. ft. of a product from Belgard Hardscapes’ 2013 introductions. (Product may depend on geographic region.)
• One year subscription to VisionScapes design software.
• A marketing consultation facilitated by the Belgard Hardscapes Marketing Team.
• A “Come Alive Outside Day” hosted by leading industry consultant Jim Paluch.
• One year enrollment in the Working Smarter Training Challenge.
• One year enrollment in A Better Way 2 Learn Financials.
For full contest rules and regulations and to enter, visit