4 ‘Ws’ that can ruin a garden

Updated Apr 2, 2024

Deer Tlc Magazine

With edible gardens becoming a popular trend, landscapers need to know how to care for and maintain gardens through the spring and summer. To help, The Grounds Guys have put together a few tips and tricks.

Here are the four “Ws” that can ruin a garden:

Wildlife like deer, raccoons and rabbits can cause havoc to a summer garden. Put up proper fencing to keep unwanted wildlife out of a garden. High fences work for keeping deer out and low fences that are dug into the ground along with netting can keep rabbits and raccoons from rummaging through landscapes. 


Weeds can be perennial and annual. Since perennial weeds are spread through seeds and roots you can dig the weeds up to get rid of them. Be sure to get all of the roots to ensure they will not grow back. Annual weeds should be hand-pulled before they are able to seed. Keep in mind that a garden might have both types of weeds.


Every region has a different climate. You should take steps to prevent a garden from getting damaged by the local weather. Have covers and shades available and ready to place over a garden in times of bad or damaging weather.


The best practice for proper watering of a garden is to understand the watering needs of what you choose to grow and the soil you are using in a garden. Plant roots need oxygen to grow and if you over water the soil the plant can become to wet and get stem rot. If the plants fail to get enough water, they will not bloom or produce fruits or vegetables.

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