Spring-Green Lawn Care was one of hundreds of volunteers who participated in PLANET’s Renewal & Remembrance event at Arlington National Cemetery recently.
Volunteers helped renovate the cemetery, which is a burial ground for more than 400,000 active duty service members, veterans and their families.
Two representatives from Spring-Green Lawn Care attended the event, Director of Education Harold Enger and Tom Warfel, a business consultant for the lawn care company. The day was especially meaningful for Warfel, who is a veteran of the U.S. Marines.
“It just means a lot for me to be able to dedicate my time and energy to such an important part of American history and to remember the sacrifice all of these people made,” Warfel says.
Aside from the general lawn care maintenance, tree care experts installed lightning protection on the cemetery’s historic trees, irrigation workers made repairs to the sprinkler systems and nearly 78 tons of lime was applied to the turf to keep the beauty of the landscape intact.
Including this year, Spring-Green has participated in all of the Renewal and Remembrance ceremonies.