The Grounds Guys are giving back this holiday season by partnering with New Vision Renewable Energy and Mission Waco, Mission World to bring light to a Haitian village.
For several families in the village, this will be the first time they have had a source of electricity.
The families of Ferrier Nord Est will earn a solar light by working together to complete 60 hours of community service.
The Haitian community will also learn how to assemble, repair and maintain the solar lights, and the solar-powered battery will allow them to charge cellphones or small electronic devices.
The Grounds Guys and The Dwyer Group associates helped assemble approximately 400 of the 800 lights during the company’s Founder’s Day.
Light Haiti is one of many projects Mission Waco, Mission World has supported. They have been working with the Ferrier Nord Est since 1984 and have since helped to establish clean water systems, health and hygiene education, school sponsorships and orphan funds, as well as various other projects.
In addition to a mission trip to Ferrier, a donation drive will be held to help raise funds for the outreach effort. The goal is to provide the solar lights to villagers as well as the training required to sustain a healthier, brighter future.
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