Toro helps save 9.8 billion gallons of water in Southern California

Logo Toro LogoThe Toro Company, in partnership with more than 30 water districts and cities in California, has helped water agencies reduce per capita water consumption in the past year.

Through the program, which is a program launched by Riverside Public Utilities and Western Municipal Water District, has now replaced 1.3 million conventional, high-flow sprinkler nozzles with Toro’s Precision Series spray nozzles.

Toro estimates the change has saved 9 billion gallons of water in Southern California through the program.

The nozzles apply water slower, and irrigation runoff is reduced since the end-user doesn’t have to readjust the sprinkler controller.

The program started in 2010, and was designed to help residents user water more efficiently, especially for landscape irrigation purposes.

The Attachments Idea Book
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