Man claims to be sprayed with pesticides, sues landscaping company

A landscaping maintenance worker sprays pesticide on shrubbery.A landscaping maintenance worker sprays pesticide on shrubbery.

A landscaping company from Rockville, Maryland, is being sued for $55,000 by an Oregon man who says he was sprayed with pesticides by one of the company’s workers while sitting at an outdoor café on July 18, 2013.

According to The Oregonian, Dennis Delano filed the suit in Multnomah County Circuit Court last week. Delano claims he was sprayed with a toxic, unknown mix of bug and weed killers by a worker who was wearing a backpack sprayer to treat ornamental landscaping outside Starbucks.

The company who hired the worker, is The Brickman Group, who provides landscape maintenance services for more than 10,000 clients, throughout the United States.

The lawsuit claims that the worker wasn’t licensed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture, nor did the company’s Vancouver location have a commercial pesticide operator’s license to spray in the area.

According to the suit, Delano suffered “severe coughing, insomnia, labored breathing, and exhaustion.” He is seeking $15,000 in medical bills, plus $40,000 for pain, discomfort and interference with his abilities to carry out the normal activities of life, as well an undetermined amount in lost earning capacity. Delano is not suing Starbucks.

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