NALP creates 4 new volunteer advisory councils

NALPTwo years after the creation of its Supplier Advisory Council, the National Association of Landscape Professionals has established four new advisory groups focusing on education, membership, public affairs and international certification. All of the panels are made up of NALP members, who serve voluntarily.

“Many associations are finding it beneficial to move to a more nimble and strategic leadership model of having volunteer task forces and advisory councils,” said Sabeena Hickman, NALP’s chief executive. “We still have a number of committees that plan events and programs, but now we also have advisory councils that will look at the big picture and provide advice and guidance on specific focus areas.”

The advisory councils are comprised of a cross-section of members representing the various specialties within the green industry, including design/build/installation, landscape management, lawn care, irrigation and water management and interior plantscaping.

Formerly known as PLANET, the National Association of Landscape Professionals represents an industry of nearly a million landscape, lawn care, irrigation and tree-care experts. For more information about NALP, visit

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