Terra Nova Nurseries has released its first ever Garden Decorating Guide to give landscapers, retailers and growers information about the varieties of plants the company offers.
The guide is a wheel-shaped design that is broken down by color. Each information card is 2.5 by 9 inches and the company says the Pantone Matching System color guide and general home decoration catalogs inspired the color blocking style of the guide.
“A key goal of the guide is to present Terra Nova Nurseries’ genetics in an innovative format that easily demonstrates and describes each variety’s profile, habit, traits, zone range, exposure and other resourceful information,” said Nathan Lamkey, director of sales and marketing and assistant general manager at Terra Nova Nurseries. “In a clear sense, gardening is decorating; we believe the guide will help this concept.”
The guide features professional photos of each plant along with two other plants that pair well with the first due to hues, textures, size and growing conditions. Ordering information about liner and boxing options as well as multiples and minimums can be found on the inside of the back cover.
Terra Nova Nurseries expects the Garden Decorating Guide to become an annual tool for companies when they are trying to make decisions about what plants to order, grow, sell and install.
The Garden Decorating Guide can be requested through www.terranovanurseries.com.