Profile says the soil amendment can help landscape architects ensure new projects have the best chance of becoming established while contributing permanently contributing to long-term sustainability.
A single application of Profile Lawn & Landscape lasts years, according to the manufacturer. Profile Products says the formulation has been shown in a variety of university studies across the country to improve the root zone by adding air- and water-holding capacity in all types of soils.
In addition, adding Profile Lawn & Landscape to soil creates better drainage when conditions are wet and better water-holding capacity during dry conditions, the company says. Consequently, roots grow deeper, resulting in stronger, larger plants.
“Soil plays a critical role in the success or failure of a design project, but most soil around existing sites lacks balanced structure and pore space,” said Jeff Langner, Profile Products brand manager. “Profile Lawn & Landscape improves soil at the granular level by increasing nutrient- and water-retention and improving drainage – all in a single application.”
Unlike organic materials such as peat, compost or topsoil, Profile Lawn & Landscape is made of ceramic particles that will not decompose or break down over time. That means improvements to soil structure and pore space are permanent, the company says.
Profile Products cites research studies from university and independent labs, including the University of Missouri and Tifton Physical Soil Labs, that confirm Profile Lawn & Landscape outperforms other soil amendments in a variety of applications, from reducing drought stress to improving turf quality.
“The same results you have on day one will remain for the life of the project,” Langner said.
For more information on the soil conditioner, visit the company’s website here.