Photo: Trisha/Flickr
In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, here’s a look at seven naturally green flowers that are sure to brighten up the garden as well as keep you from getting the unpopular pinch of someone not decked out in green.

Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis)
This annual plant grows from under 6 inches to 2-3 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Its flowers bloom in spring through fall with a pleasant scent, and it can be used like a foliage plant because of its coloring. Be sure to water frequently in dry weather. Multiple stems arise, offering an abundance of blooms on each plant which will have small, white blooms later into summer.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 2-10
- Full to part sun
Photo: PhareannaH[berhabuk]/Flickr
This type of chrysanthemum is easy to grow and is propagated by the division of roots, cuttings and seeds. They typically flower in about three months after sowing and have a long flowering period. They come in a variety of colors such as yellow, green, red, pink and white. The flower head is about 2.5 cm in diameter.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Full sun

Green cymbidium orchid (Cymbidium spp.)
Its flowers are usually large in size, display a patterned lip and can last anywhere from eight to 10 weeks. They come in almost all colors except blue and typically bloom in the early spring. Although sometimes you can see flowers beginning to bloom in October or bloom all the way until June. They thrive in cooler, drier conditions and should be watered in the morning using tepid water.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
- Full sun or part shade

Green gladiolus (Gladiolus dalenii)
Gladiolus are a favorite for this season due to their beautiful flowers. They can grow between 2 to 6 feet in height and can be multicolored, orange, pink, white and yellow. Bulbs should be planted in the spring once danger of frost has passed and blooming should occur in midsummer. Some parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested and handling some species may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-10
- Full sun

Green hellebore (Helleborus viridis)
Hellebores are considered a staple in winter gardens, although they don’t flower quickly from seeds. They are said to be deer-resistant because of their alkaloid toxins. They can hold up well in droughts, but thrive in moist, well-drained soil. It typically flowers in March and April and comes in a unique array of colors such as green, white, pink and rose-purple with yellow stamens. It can grow to be 1 to 1.5 feet tall.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Full sun or part sun

Green hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla):
Boasting beautiful heads that are hard to ignore, hydrangeas come in an array of colors such as blue, pink, purple and white. Colors can change depending on the soil PH, and they bloom in summer and fall. Hydrangeas are easy to cultivate and thrive in rich, somewhat moist, porous soils, and can grow from 3-20 feet high and 3-18 feet wide.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Full sun and part shade

Green zinnia (Zinnia elegans):
Zinnias can grow from 1 to 8 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Flower colors can vary from multicolored, orange, pink, red and white. It’s said to be one of the easiest plants grow, it grows quickly and blooms heavily. They bloom in summer and fall, are deer resistant and attract butterflies. Do best in dry, well-drained soil, and it’s recommended that these be planted from seeds because transplanted ones tend to not thrive.
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 2-11
- Full sun