Goats Aren’t Making the Cut

goatsWhat started out as a clever twist on going green for lawn maintenance jobs soon turned into much more for many cities around the world. Goats were being used to eat grass at sites like airports and hilly terrains.

But this fad has run its course in Portsmouth, Virginia, according to The Virginian Pilot. City officials had put goats in charge of managing grass at the landfill. But this partnership didn’t benefit either parties.

So far, four goats have died, and the area — about 120 acres — is too much land for the goats to handle. The animals were also not that interested in the tall grasses and would much rather have oats and other easy foods. The city wasn’t too happy about having these “employees” laying down on the job, either.

RELATED: Don’t Lose a Bid to Goats

But some cities have been successful with “goatscaping.” The difference between Portsmouth and the other areas is that the others used goatscaping companies, basically renting the goats instead of buying them. So, those cities weren’t trying to take on the role of a farmer.

I’m surprised the government was so apt to make a drastic change to goats, especially when it normally takes them years to make small decisions. I guess they got too excited about saving some money with the goats, instead of hiring a professional.

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