
Backyard respite
Private residence, Neenah, Wisconsin
Landscaping designed and installed by Stonehenge
Brick Paving & Landscaping, Appleton, Wisconsin

The homeowner travels a lot for business and wanted a backyard that felt like a getaway for her and her friends in the evenings. However, the backyard’s slope and lack of depth presented several challenges. There was also a fence on two sides of the yard hiding a busy street. With the homeowner’s love of perennials, the objective was pretty clear: use layered plant material to screen the fence and traffic noise, fill the planting beds with color through every season, construct a two-tiered patio that moved laterally to conserve yard depth, and warm the patio up a night with landscape lighting.

Price withheld by customer’s request.

Graceful Southern garden
Private residence, Hilliard, Florida
Landscaping designed and installed by Callahan Garden Center, Callahan, Florida

The challenge was to create a garden with an Old South look that would offer a place to relax. The cedar gazebo has a copper roof from Vixen Hill, and the 200-gallon East Palatka next to it provide visual screening as well as a noise filter from a nearby highway. The concrete four-tier fountain also helps to mask traffic noise, and a 200-gallon Magnolia DD Blanchard with a skirt of Endless Summer Hydrangeas adds to the theme. Mountain Mist flagstone in a bed of red gravel, surrounded by brown river rock, provides a natural-looking path throughout the garden.

Price withheld by customer’s request.

Crowd-pleasing landscape
Private residence, Swanton, Ohio
Landscaping designed and installed by Nature’s Way Water Gardens, Toledo, Ohio

For their new home, the family wanted a unique, low-maintenance landscape that would wow family and friends. A water feature, including a waterfall, was placed in a recessed area outside of the home gym so the owners would have a relaxing view while working out. A rock garden finished off the remainder of the front walkway.

Price withheld by customer’s request.

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The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover