Chemical Specification Guide: Non-selective herbicides

Non-selectives are perfect for killing all types of weeds – and turf and ornamentals, mind you. So you have to use them in the appropriate situations. Spot-spraying weeds is just one use for them. They are also your go-to weapon for completely removing vegetation when you need to renovate turf.

Non-selectives are formulated to work in different ways. Soil-applied non-selectives enter the plant through root uptake and leave residual chemical in the soil that works to discourage future growth of vegetation in that area. Foliar-applied non-selectives, on the other hand, kill the existing vegetation but do not leave residual chemicals in the soil, so re-establishment with preferred plants can take place quickly.

The product you choose will ultimately be determined by the results you desire. In terms of efficacy, systemic herbicides are more proficient at killing perennial plants and woody ornaments (which are typically tougher to knock down). Contact herbicides have the benefit of speed, working quickly to take down weeds and other vegetation.

The chemical chart on the following page profiles the non-selective products available to you, listed by active ingredient. Each of these is further defined by mode of action: fumigant, root-uptake, foliar-uptake and burndown.

As always, this list should be used for planning purposes only. Before selecting a product for use, consult the label and always follow label instructions.

To view a pdf of the guide, click here.

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