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It is difficult to think about the winter season during the warm summer months, but soon snow, ice and cold weather will be upon us. Snow and ice professionals are an integral part of keeping communities safe during winter weather, and staying up to date on the latest industry trends and equipment can help any business plan for the unexpected while making a profit in snow and ice management.

In June, the Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA) held its 12th Annual Snow & Ice Symposium in Louisville, Kentucky, where industry professionals attended educational sessions and a trade show featuring the latest products, equipment and trends in snow and ice management. As the four-day event revolving entirely around snow and ice proved, the industry has seen a tremendous expansion in tools and technology over the years to help professionals manage snow and ice more efficiently and effectively. Some trends and new technologies in the industry include:

Use of skid-steer and compact wheel loaders (and a variety of snow-specific attachments for these machines)
Hydraulic expandable-wing plows
Specific liquid spray/spread tools for sidewalk anti-icing
Advanced anti-icing rigs complete with ground speed control
GPS technology for fleets
Snow-specific software for route tracking and billing
Large melting machines for melting instead of hauling excess snow
Long-term weather forecasting tools and services
Online measuring tools to measure properties accurately from the office

By utilizing some of these new products and trends, snow and ice businesses can pull ahead of the competition and stay on the cutting edge of fast and efficient snow and ice removal techniques. The new technologies available can help with almost every aspect of snow and ice removal, from route planning to record keeping to equipment maintenance. While preparing for the upcoming winter season, being knowledgeable about trends and new products can help your snow and ice management company run as smoothly as possible during a hectic and fast-paced winter.

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover