Heavy-Duty Capacity Buckets – Mini Excavator

Updated Sep 21, 2010
Designed to optimize the performance of the Cat Mini Hydraulic Excavator in a wide variety of applications and materials. Well suited for moving large quantities of material, such as during truck loading applications, and are capable of moving greater volumes of material than the Heavy Duty Buckets. These buckets are machine-specific and are not interchangeable between machine model sizes.



12″ HDC Bucket [280-4210]

12 in 2.5 ft3 2.9 ft3

16″ HDC Bucket [280-4211]

16 in 3.2 ft3 3.7 ft3

18″ HDC Bucket [280-4212]

18 in 3.7 ft3 4.4 ft3

20″ HDC Bucket [280-4213]

20 in 4.2 ft3 5.1 ft3

24″ HDC Bucket [280-4214]

24 in 5.2 ft3 6.4 ft3

30″ HDC Bucket [280-4215]

30 in 6.7 ft3 8.5 ft3

36″ HDC Bucket [280-4216]

36 in 8.2 ft3 10.6 ft3
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