Pack loose soil down tight and do it with little effort using the EDGE Plate Compactor from CEAttachments. It features a powerful direct drive gear motor to deliver maximum vibratory force on backfill lifts up to 4 ft., even on inclines. Its heavy-duty rubber mounted baseline isolates vibration while a four-corner suspension system reduces wear and tear on the attachment. Available in vibratory force ranges from 2,500 lbs. to 11,350 lbs. and base plate widths from 11″ to 27″ to work effectively with any size compact excavator or backhoe up to 5300 lbs. The Plate Compactor can be used for a variety of other jobs too, like driving piles, fence posts, I-Beams, guardrails or pipe. For more information, check out or call 1.866.232.8224.
EDGE® Plate Compactor by CEAttachments, Inc.
Sep 30, 2008
Updated Sep 22, 2010
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Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.