TOCA awards 2009 Environmental Communicators of the Year

The Turf and Ornamental Communicators Association bestowed Drs. Larry Stowell and Wendy Gelernter with the 2009 Environmental Communicators of the Year. Project EverGreen sponsored the award, which was delivered in May at the 20th annual TOCA meeting in Puerto Rico.

TOCA, an association of green industry advocates and communicators in the advertising, public relations, green industry and writing sectors, has awarded the honor for 11 years to those who strongly promote environmental responsibility and green living.

Stowell and Gelernter founded PACE Turf in 1993, which advocates sound environmental practices on turf in journals, through their own turf management information service and at industry meetings. Through PACE, they also provide an online turf research journal, the PACE Turf Super Journal, to educate industry professionals.

Stowell attended the University of Arizona where he received his B.S. in Agriculture and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology. Gelernter earned a B.S. in Agricultural Science at Cornell and her Ph.D. in Insect Pathology from the University of California-Riverside.

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