Aquascape sponsors first Green Community Makeover Movement

Aquascape led hundreds of contractors and retailers in completing the prototype of the Green Community Makeover Movement. The event installed 25 sustainable landscape projects July 17-18 in the Lakes of Bliss Woods neighborhood in Sugar Grove, Illinois

Aquascape’s chief sustainability officer, Ed Beaulieu, and his wife, Ellen, first started the program in their own neighborhood, garnering public support for the initiative. Some of the green projects installed included rain gardens, RainXchange Rain Barrels, the RainXchange System with Pondless Waterfall, ecosystem ponds, pavers and fountains. Additionally, they spruced yards with native plantings, permeable patios, LED lighting installations and decorative ponds. The event also had professionals incorporate an aeration system and natives to the community pond.

After the weekend, contractors received Certified RainXchange Professional credentials for the hands-on training they received on Aquascape’s RainXchange rainwater harvesting system, allowing them to install the systems regularly.

The company is also offering the “Business Opportunities with Water” seminar series nationally in January 2010. The series aims at introducing contractors to performing a Green Community Makeover Movement in their areas.

For more information about the event, visit

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
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