Los Angeles enforces water ordinance

The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power enacted shortage year rules on June 1 in order to help conserve the city’s resources.

Committing any of the following illegal acts may be subject to punitive action:
· Using sprinklers on days other than Monday and Thursday
· Water landscaping, including lawns, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
· Using sprinklers for more than 15 minutes per watering station and more than 10 minutes in other irrigation systems
· Watering hard, paved surfaces
· Allowing runoff onto streets and gutters
· Failing to repair leaky pipes and fixtures
· Washing vehicles with anything other than a hose with a shut-off nozzle
· Serving water to customers unless requested

Irrigation Association members worked with the LADWP to assemble a list of conservation measures. The association is also encouraging the LADWP to not only stop excessive water use and reward efficiency.

Customers can read the ordinance revisions under legal review at www.ladwp.com/ladwp/homepage.jsp.

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