Stihl Partners with Reach Out Worldwide

Updated Jan 7, 2013

Alabama 20110505 8926 ApprovedStihl is now the exclusive handheld outdoor power equipment sponsor of Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW), a network of professionals with first-responder skill sets. The volunteers provide their expertise, in the United States and abroad, when natural disasters strike and augment local resources with the goal of accelerating relief efforts. Stihl, recognized as the “Official Chain Saw” during missions including relief for Hurricane Sandy victims, also provides equipment training in preparation for the local and international missions as part of the relationship.

Originally founded by actor and philanthropist Paul Walker, ROWW activates its deployments within hours and has a passion to aid the victims of disasters. The organization and its volunteers travel to affected areas and use skills including project management, logistics, heavy equipment operation, EMT paramedic training, firefighting, nursing and other first responder disciplines. Stihl provides the necessary outdoor power equipment tools to help the volunteers in their relief efforts and recovery processes, including chainsaws, augers and cut-off machines.

“We consistently respond to areas where the storm has left roads blocked. Responders, like us, cannot gain access to those in need without first clearing a path,” said J.D. Dorfman, operations manager at ROWW and a trained firefighter.

ROWW also uss Stihl products for localized outreach programs that benefit distressed communities, such as in Pasadena, California, where ROWW currently is renovating properties and creating sustainable community gardens for residents.

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