Spring-Green Lawn Care has added three new franchisees to its line up.
Three franchise agreements were signed at the National Training Conference in August, and the new owners include Frank Garrett of Pilot Point, Texas; Chad Shaylor of Cogan Station, Pennsylvania; and Barry Robinson of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Garrett and Barry both participated in the company’s Green Association Roll-In Program, which is a fast-track program designed for qualified candidates who already provide professional lawn and tree care services. The program helps candidates keep their existing company while converting that portion of their business to a franchise.
Shaylor bought an existing business.
Garrett is the owner of Federal Pest Solutions and has been in operation since 2001.
Shaylor has been in the green industry since 1997 and has owned and operated Shaylor’s Lawncare since 2004. He will purchase an existing franchise that has been in operation for approximately 10 years.
Barrett created AAA Pest Pros in 1995, which eventually changed names to CSI of Virginia.
Robinson will begin servicing existing and new clients as a franchisee in September.
The three new owners will complete their training at Spring-Green’s headquarters in early September.