Irrigation Association Recognized For Increasing WaterSense Awareness

wslogo_web_2013The Irrigation Association has been named the 2013 WaterSense Partner of the Year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Because of the award, this makes the Irrigation Association the first professional certifying agency partner to win the award.

The WaterSense Partner of the Year award recognizes partners who help the mission of WaterSense by increasing awareness of the organization’s label in a measurable way.

The Irrigation Association was awarded due to its efforts to make its certifications more readily available to irrigation professionals through targeted marketing campaigns, more computer-based sites, the addition of paper-pencil testing following a class, discounted exam registration during Smart Irrigation Month and the expansion of references available for certified irrigation contractor candidates.

After getting involved with the WaterSense program in 2006, the Irrigation Association quickly received the WaterSense stamp of approval on its four certificate exams: certified irrigation designer, certified irrigation contractor, certified landscape irrigation auditor and certified golf irrigation auditor. 

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