ProGreen EXPO Set for February 2014

1378637_588321361209509_693902528_aThe Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC), the Colorado Nursery & Greenhouse Association (CNGA) and the Garden Centers of Colorado (GCC) have come together to host the ProGreen EXPO.

From Feb. 11-14 of next year, the groups will be hosting the event at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. 

Those that attend will experience more than 300 exhibiting companies and several educational sessions

Some of the sessions include Justice Gregory Hobbs discussing Colorado Water Law, Charlie Hall’s Outlook for 2014 and Kathryn Dager’s three sessions. 

A new Learning Lounge will be available, and Plant and Turf ID areas will also be featured. 

A full day registration starts at $175, but group discounts, daily passes and EXPO-only passes are available. 



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