Away With Geese’s Sports Cage to Deter Vandalism, Theft

gI_66715_AWG_SportsCage_MediumAway With Geese has unveiled a product to help protect against vandalism.

The Sports Cage protects the Sports Unit, and the two together get rid of Canada Geese from any public area, while also averting theft and vandalism of the unit.

Away With Geese products feature a solar-powered light that is scarcely noticeable to humans but is very disruptive to the sleep of the geese, causing them to find another habitat after just a few restless nights.

The Sports Cage protects the Sports Unit with 6 pounds of steel, in places where vandalism and theft are issues.

The Sports Unit has been designed for safe and effective use in public areas, with an auger that securely twists into the ground to avert theft.

The Sports Cage secures to the Sports Unit, so that the unit is both safe from theft and is protected from harm by the Sports Cage simultaneously.

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