OSHA Announces National Stand-Down for Fall Prevention

Main_photoxThe U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced a national safety stand-down from June 2-6.

The stand-down is to raise awareness among employers and workers about the hazards of falls, which account for the highest number of deaths in the construction industry.

“Falls account for more than a third of all deaths in this industry,” says David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health. “We’re working with employers, workers, industry groups, state OSH plans, and civic and faith-based organizations to host safety stand-downs that focus on recognizing hazards and preventing falls. We are getting the message out to America’s employers that safety pays and falls cost.”

During the stand-down, employers and workers are asked to pause their workday to talk about fall prevention in construction and discuss ladder safety, scaffolding safety and roofing work safety.

The stand-down is part of OSHA’s ongoing Fall Prevention Campaign, which was started in 2012 and was developed in partnership with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and NIOSH’s National Occupational Research Agenda program.

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