How To Keep Workers Safe Around Tree Work

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The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a hazard bulletin about preventing worker fatalities from falls and falling objects in tree care work.

“Too many tree care workers are being hurt or killed by well-known industry dangers that can be prevented if employers take the necessary precautions,” says David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health. “Employers have a responsibility to ensure workers are protected on the job – this includes providing training and making sure workers have the right tools to stay safe.”

The bulletin details two fatal tree care incidents, one caused by a fall and other by a falling object.

In the first, OSHA’s investigation found an employer should have prevented the worker from being in the tree trimming area or “drop zone.”

In the second, a worker fell 65 feet when the trunk of the tree he was working on snapped in half. OSHA determined the employer could have prevented this incident by performing a preliminary examination of the tree before starting work.

The bulletin also lists safety precautions for employers to use before they begin any tree care operations, which include:

  • Assess the worksite for fall and falling object hazards
  • Have a qualified arborist survey the worksite
  • Determine if workers will need to climb or use aerial lifts
  • Establish drop zones where there is a hazard of falling objects
  • Take steps to protect workers from falling object hazards
  • Establish visual and audible communications with overhead and ground workers
  • Have emergency procedures in place
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