Bobcat Rolls Out One-Millionth Bobcat Loader at Special Ceremony

Bobcat Millionth Loader Celebration Photo 3

On July 12, the Bobcat Company held a formal ceremony celebrating the rolling out of the Special Edition One-Millionth Bobcat Loader.

The company celebrated with employees and the community of Gwinner, North Dakota, which is home to Bobcat’s primary production facility.

The company also celebrated with family members of those who invented the original loader, as well as hundreds of others who have been part of Bobcat’s story.

The ceremony was held at the Gwinner factory and featured remarks from Rich Goldsbury, president of Bobcat and Doosan (parent company of Bobcat) for North America; Gwinner Mayor Dan McKeever; North Dakota Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley; North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven and North Dakota Congressman Kevin Cramer.

Sylvan Melroe, one of the organization’s first marketing managers, talked about the perseverance of the Melroe family, who owned Melroe Manufacturing, and built the first Bobcat loaders.

The ceremony included a 5K run/walk in Gwinner, Bobcat factory tours, carnival-type festivities and a “Bobcat square dance” loader performance by four brothers who have 130 years of combined service to Bobcat.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) also made the Gwinner event a stop on its “I Make America” nationwide tour, which advocates for pro-manufacturing policies to create more jobs in the U.S. and keep the economy competitive with other countries.

Bobcat Company also helped Gwinner city officials dedicate three welcome signs at different entrances to town signifying “Home of one million Bobcat loaders.”

From January through June, the company held a contest, which asked participants to answer the question, “How does Bobcat make you unstoppable?”

The grand prizewinner, who will receive a Special Edition One-Millionth Bobcat Loader, will be named in September. 

Click through the photos below:

Bobcat Company And Doosan North America President Rich Goldsbury Addresses The Crowd At The Bobcat Company Millionth Loader Celebration

The Millionth Bobcat Skid Steer Rolls Off The Line And Out Of The Gwinner Factory North Dakota Lt Gov Drew Wrigley Addresses The Crowd
North Dakota Us Senator John Hoeven Addresses The Crowd Pictured are descendants of the Melroe and Dahl families. The Melroe and Dahl families helped the original Melroe Manufacturing Company produce, market and brand the original Bobcat loader. Sylvan Melroe (pictured in the blue shirt, far right, first row) Bobcat Company And Doosan North America President Rich Goldsbury And Cy Keller, One Of The Inventors Of The Original Loader
Bobcat Company And The City Of Gwinner, North Dakota Dedicated Three Signs At Entrances To Town; They Signify That Gwinner Is Home To “one Million Bobcat Loaders And Counting A Bobcat Special Edition One Millionth Loader Sits Atop A Pole At The Entrance To Gwinner, North Dakota, Home To Bobcat Company’s Primary Production Facility  
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