Photo: Terex
Can-American Enterprises, a Terex distributor headquartered in Canada, has donated the use of its Terex compact construction equipment fleet to the Birch Lake Restoration Project. The 5-acre project site, located ½-mile south of Kelliher, Saskatchewan, will offer visitors a beach, camping, water sports with a boat launch and docks, play structures, bike and hiking trails and fishing when completed.
Terex equipment donated by Can-American Enterprises included TSV-60 and TSV-70 skid steer loaders; PT-30, PT-60 and PT-80 compact track loaders; a TC60 excavator; a TH-844C telehandler; and an SKL 873-wheel loader. Can-American also donated the fuel needed to run the equipment.
The lake is currently open to the public for swimming, hiking and some water activities. A grand opening celebration is scheduled for August 22.
“Birch Lake was a full resort with a dance hall, beach and swimming lessons in the 1950s,” says Can-American Founder and President Conway Maydonick. “Throughout the years, vandalism has destroyed much of the area and attempts in the past to restore it never gained enough traction and support. In January, community leaders came together and formed a committee to try once again to revitalize this beautiful lake to get it back to the way it once was and hopefully, make it even better.”
Cleanup and site-preparation work began around the lake in early April, with construction work getting under way in June. To date, volunteers have completed construction of the hiking trail, the beach, the boat launch and access roads. They’ve also installed 1,000 feet of fence to separate the public property from private landowners’ property.
According to Maydonick, the Terex equipment has been used to complete a variety of tasks throughout the lake property, including moving 400 yards of sand, a 50-yard pit run, 100 yards of crushed gravel, 50 yards of 6-inch rock, 50 yards of 2-inch rock, 100 yards of crushed rock and 1,000 yards of clay.
The use of the Terex equipment was also instrumental in clearing brush from the hiking trail, installing the fence, picking and placing four large dock sections, seeding grass and landscaping.