Dow AgroSciences offers online weed, insect, disease-control training

Dow AgroSciences Turf & Ornamental (T&O) is now offering online product training for turf managers who want to brush up on weed, insect and disease control.

Dow-AgroSciences-SYC-logoThe three-part interactive course covers pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, as well as insecticides and fungicides.

Each course takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and includes educational training followed by a short quiz.

Dow AgroSciences T&O says individuals can learn the benefits of pre-emergent herbicides, including improved playability on golf courses, reduced hand-weeding in nurseries, as well as weed-free turf and landscapes.

The online instruction also provides tips on post-emergent application, along with effective disease and insect control with proper resistance management.

To learn more or view the program, visit

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