Act of kindness nearly costs landscape worker his life

Jeremiah DentonJeremiah Denton

An Albuquerque, New Mexico, landscaping company employee who tried to be a good Samaritan by offering a couple and their toddler a ride ended up being carjacked on Monday.

According to the police report, the victim decided to give the couple and their 2-year old a ride in his work truck after they asked for a lift.

Once inside the truck, 28-year-old Jeremiah Denton pulled out a gun and shot at the victim and told him to get out. The landscape employee ran into Taylor Park and took shelter behind a tree as the carjackers sped off.

Nicole Dunkin, who lives next door to the park, witnessed the whole scene play out from her window.

“I was sitting on the couch and I heard a pop,” Dunkin told KOB 4. “He had the gun through the passenger window when he shot so it went right in front of the guy’s head, so we’re very lucky he’s even OK.”

According to Dunkin, the landscaping employee was more worried about his truck and his job.

“I told him, ‘You need to be thankful that you’re in once piece,’” she said. “‘You’re in one piece. You’re not injured. You had a bullet go inches from your head. You have a lot to be thankful for today.”

Fortunately, an iPad left in the truck allowed the landscaping company’s owner to track the stolen truck to an intersection only seven minutes away, allowing police to arrest Denton.

A convicted felon, Denton is facing charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, robbery with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm as a felon, and tampering with evidence.

KOB 4’s report says court documents indicate Denton denies shooting the gun during the carjacking.

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