News roundup: Mean Green products used at new AGZA Green Zone

Photo: Mean Green MowerPhoto: Mean Green Mower

The first American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA) Green Zone park in the East has been established with the help of Mean Green’s zero-turn mower.

The town of Southampton, New York, has decided to transform the East Quogue Village Green into a certified AGZA Green Zone by using electric-powered equipment.

An AGZA Green Zone is a defined area of land such as a park or school campus where maintenance is conducted with zero emission, low noise equipment, and manual tools.

It is the first Green Zone to be instituted in the Eastern United States. AGZA is an organization that provides certification and accreditation in zero-emission landscape strategies. Dan Mabe, AGZA’s president, has helped create more than 25 certified Green Zones in the West.

Now, in partnership with the non-profit Quiet Communities, AGZA is working to bring its program to the Eastern U.S. and educate individuals on the risks of the use of fossil fuels and the cleaner, quieter and more sustainable solutions.

“On the West Coast, we have proven that commercial sized properties can be maintained without gas-powered equipment at the same level of quality and at lower cost,” Mabe said. “We look forward to bringing these benefits to the East and other parts of the country.”

After meeting with AGZA and Quiet Communities last year, Southampton’s Parks and Recreation Department demoed Mean Green Mower’s products, including its electric mower.

“It’s amazing how such a large mower can be so quiet,” said Jon Erwin, Southampton’s parks maintenance supervisor.

According to Mean Green, its 60-inch deck ZTR is about 15 to 20 decibels quieter than a comparable gas engine product.

“Parks maintenance staff members use power equipment on a daily basis and after testing the electric products, and getting a better sense of how they function and perform, they’re very enthusiastic about their implementation,” said Kristen Doulos, the town’s parks director.

Already other towns on Long Island are following Southampton’s lead with the Town of Huntington voting to create their own AGZA Green Zone.

Toro named official turf equipment partner for Minnesota United

As Major League Soccer has arrived in Minnesota, the football club Minnesota United has chosen Toro as its official partner of turf equipment and irrigation to help it maintain a world-class pitch and surrounding green space.

Photo: ToroPhoto: Toro

“As we began to consider plans for the care and maintenance of both the grass on the pitch and the green space at our new stadium, it just made sense to partner with Toro,” said Nick Rogers, MNUFC president. “As a Minnesota-based company, and a worldwide leader in caring for sports fields, Toro will understand the unique demands our climate places on our future pitch and will help to make sure it is a world-class surface.”

Toro will work with Minnesota United to select the proper mowing and turf equipment for the unique challenges of maintaining a stadium pitch. The stadium’s irrigation system will use the T7 Series rotors and be managed by Toro’s Sentinel central control system.

“With the excitement of Major League Soccer debuting in Minnesota, we are proud to help support Minnesota United FC in their effort to create a best-in-class experience for fans and players alike,” said Rick Olson, president and CEO of the Toro Company. “With strong roots here in Minnesota, we are honored to further our relationship with Minnesota United and to provide the innovative product solutions and support needed to maintain this world-class sporting venue.”

California Pools & Landscape recognized for customer service

California Pools & Landscape was recently ranked No. 1 in customer service in the state of Arizona by Pool & Spa News and Aquatics International.

logo for California Pools and LandscapeThe company’s high residential revenue, employee tenure, training regimens and user-friendly design of its website all helped lead to it being recognized at the No. 1 in customer service. California Pools & Landscape celebrated with a one day sales event in Chandler and Scottsdale.

“We’re just so honored by this industry acknowledgement of our entire company’s commitment to service that we wanted to celebrate and pass our gratitude on to our great customers,” said Jeremey Smith, CEO and president.

The company also recently celebrated 30 years in business with zero registrar of contractors complains. The business started out small with one location but now has expanded to multiple places in the valley.

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