Learn Towing Best Practices at Expo

Super Crew Towing Landscaper WebIf you’ve ever wondered if your towing setup was right for the load and the pickup you drive, get  your rear in gear and head to Dallas, Texas, August 23.

The editors of ProPickup have assembled a trio of experts for a towing SmartSession as part of ProPickup Truck Expo and the Great American Trucking Show. The SmartSession on “Towing and the Law” will include three presentations from:

* Nathan Cash, a personal injury lawyer.

* Robert Krause, GM’s trailering engineer.

* Joe Riexinger, the lead hitch consultant and installation trainer for Cequent Group, the largest truck trailer hitch supplier in the country.

Additional sessions to be held at the ProPickup Expo include: “Maximizing Fuel Economy and Power Upgrades.”

Seating is limited, so sign up soon at propickupexpo.com.

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover