Personalize services: Finding and attracting new clients

Updated Apr 3, 2020

Fairway LawnsFinding new clients is the lifeblood of a growing business. So how do you go about attracting the right clients?

I recently had a visit from a local weed-control specialist, Fairway Lawns. I receive mailers and solicitations all the time for lawn services, but this company really caught my eye. They personalized their ads to include which of my neighbors used their services — showing me what I could expect from their work. Since the previous owners of my house also used this company, they were able to tell me the exact amount they paid to have the lawn treated.

For me, personalization and being able to see real-world examples of their work sold me. But maybe for others, flyers of your project photos, advertising free estimates, going door to door, driving wrapped trucks by neighborhoods or posting information in local publications is the way to market your business and form new client relationships.

It’s important to know what hits home for your community members if you plan to expand your company. And once you have them hooked, follow up with them. Simply getting homeowners interested in your services won’t bring in the paychecks.

After I expressed interest in Fairway Lawns, they promptly followed up with me, even though it was the weekend. They offered discounts for first-time customers and showed real professionalism. I might sound a little old fashioned, but a little goes a lot with me, especially in today’s fast-paced world.

So give your potential — and current clients — a personalized experience, and they’ll give you their support.

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